Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Creating Custom Permissions in SharePoint

SharePoint provides simple UI to create custom permissions or customize existing permissions. This post will guide you to create a permission level which allows a user to create, update items in list but not allow deleting the same.
Follow the below steps to create a new permission level

Navigate to Site Actions --> Site Settings --> Advanced Permissions

This page displays the complete list of user groups and their respective permission levels. Click on the group to add / remove associated permission levels

Go to Settings --> Permission Levels to create a new permission / customize an existing one.

To customize the existing permission level, click on the permission level and check / un-check the permission check boxes to match your requirement.

I am going to create a new permission level “Low Contribute”, which allow a user to add, update an item but not delete. A little bit of customization to the Contribute permission level will give us the desired functionality. Click on “Copy Permission Level” which will copy the permission level, give a name to this permission level (“Low Contribute”).

Create the new permission level by un-checking “Delete Items” and “Delete Versions” from “List Permissions” section. The following screen shows a user with “Low Contribute” permission.

Note: The security trimmed menu does not have the Delete option.

1 comment:

PriteshD said...

How to include UserControl in dispform.aspx

I have created User control using and deploy in _controltemplates folder.

Make safe control in web.config file.
- Set wss trust level medium.
- Copy .dll into website folder(wwwroot\wss\virtualDirectories\portnumber\bin)

(1) Create customdispform.aspx in custom list folder using SharePoint designer 2007
(2) Registered custom control using @Register directive on customdisplayform.aspx

When I am trying to include User control in form, designer showing below error:
Error: Reference to undeclared namespace prefix: 'UCD'

I need your help to include user control into custom page.

I include user control into default.master page but it is not working in dispform.aspx page.